Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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I do not understand why the world agrees to fertilize their ovaries in September, something that the boom birthday always falls on JUNE u_u

Ok, ok, I have nothing against people who are fulfilled in June, but my compliments than ever for people is the birthday of someone closer and completely forget mine XDD birthday this month are me, my mother, my brother, my nephew, my mother, my sister, my other brother, my aunt, the mother of a friend, the friend of another friend, and so the list goes on ^ ^ U

This saddens me not, in fact, I consider even funny ... except on this occasion.

Because after your teammates will promise the sky and ground with things like
They: "yeahhhh, this year I'll celebrate! Where want to go? We invite you! Let Mamut, or Starbucks and you serve a Frappuccino! Let's go out one night and make it gold ...: D "
and demases, to which I replied
" ; Yes, that's great and all, but I do not get my hopes, I know there is a lot of money for that time and generally those promises are not ^ ^ U "
They:" noooo, no worry, this time it will have a great birthday! : D: D: D "

one illusion, like it or not.

However, today, my birthday, only Feña greeted me (and my group are 8: Cony, Feña, Luis, Cynthia, Seba, Ceci and eli, although the latter two are as separate points in the group) and others have not remembered it was a birthday and the promises they are passed through the anus ¬ ¬. Even ex-coworkers who do not speak for months I looked for the seat to greet me. So I muddied the mood.

usually do not give much importance to fulfill because I hate my birthday is XD but what makes me mad are false promises. If it is not certain that something is going to be, NO I promise, DAMMIT, and so I avoid trouble. I am a woman of her word.

What made me very happy and took me by surprise, is that [info] sheislilyx greeted me in an entry * w * that was unexpected. Thanks, you're a charm.

Finally, and now I am having dinner with my fam to celebrate our birthday. And sorry the tables and my fics, I'm working on them, but our jeep was sloooow step .... Like I want, right? * w *


PS: do not ask how many compliance, please do not traumatize me TT


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